Data Load Wizard - Import Data Tables

Add tables to the import list

Data Load Wizard - Import Data Tables

To access this screen:

This screen is used to create a list of data tables of the type(s) selected on the Import Data Types screen. Initially empty, you can add file(s) to the list using the Add... button.

Selecting Add... displays the Data Import dialog, which is used to select a file,  data driver and (optionally) filter settings that will be used to import data into your application. When the necessary settings have been made (the actual dialogs displayed during data source driver and file selection will depend on the associated driver), your selected file will be added to the list on the Import Data Tables screen.  You can add as many files as required by repeating this process.

You can remove items from the list by highlighting them and clicking Remove.

Selecting Next will load the selected files and display the Complete Load screen.

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Data Import Dialog
Data Load Wizard overview

Data Types